Privacy statement

With this privacy statement, we would like to let you know what data CoolProfs Holding B.V. and its subsidiaries (in short: CoolProfs) collect from you and for what purpose we do. The privacy statement applies to all services offered by CoolProfs. We will treat data you provide to us confidentially and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This is the version of July 1, 2024.

Why do we collect data?
When you leave your data in the context of our service, we will keep you informed about this via various channels such as email and mail (nice and old-fashioned). We would like to keep you informed, but only of those things that may be of interest to you. That’s why our communication is personalized as much as possible.

If you don’t want to receive any more information, you can easily unsubscribe from our website or via a link in our emails.

What data do we keep?
Because we want to communicate with you, we store your (first) name, gender (so personal), (email) address and phone number. Sometimes we keep more information. If you join us, for example, it is convenient to know a bank account number for the salary.

What do we do with that data?
We only send you information – such as newsletters and/or invitations to events – if you have given us permission to do so. We personally ask you that during a conversation or you indicate that if you sign up for something.

If we do work for you, we’ll use your name and contact information. For example, to send you a quote. And to consult, make appointments and invoices.

Who owns that data?
Your data remains yours. Do you want to know exactly what personal data we have of you? Please ask us for an overview.

Send your request to, we’ll fix it for you.